Pro-Life and Anti-Human Trafficking Statement Socks Raise Awareness and Raise Funds, by Michelle Lazor

Human trafficking was something that was far from my radar before our family moved to Korea. My husband started teaching at an international Christian school in Seoul several years ago when we only had two children, (we now have nine!), back in 2005. We were new to the area, on a packed bus, heading to […]

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Congressman Steve King is a Champion for Those of Us Conceived in Rape, by Rebecca Kiessling, Esq.

The 14th Amendment guarantees equal protection, but that protection does not come easily for those of us conceived in rape or incest. We are grateful to those elected officials like Congressman Steve King who are willing to defend our right to life even in the face of cruelty. It’s one thing for us to defend […]

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I Was Conceived in Rape, But I Am Not Damaged, Evil or ‘Less Than’ Anyone Else, by Cynthia Mahoney

I am 100% pro-life, so I do not support rape and incest exceptions or exceptions for the life of the mother. Please allow me to explain and to tell my birth story so that it will become apparent why it is that I believe this. I was conceived as the result of rape. My birthmother […]

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Bishops of Mexico to Supreme Court on Abortion: There is No Right to Kill

Translated from ACI Prensa and reposted with permission. A few days after the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) dismissed two constitutional controversies which sought to reverse the controversial Mexican Official Standard NOM-046, which allows abortion in cases of rape for minors, the Conference of the Mexican Bishops (CEM) reminded everyone that […]

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The Roe v Wade of Mexico – August 5, 2019, by Rebecca Kiessling

A publisher in Mexico just printed our book in Spanish – Cada Vida Importa, Testimonios Provida, (Every Life Matters, Testimonies of Life), with 70 stories of those of us conceived in rape like me and women who became pregnant by rape, all from our global Save The 1 / Salvar El 1 network of nearly […]

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Surviving Abortion Attempts and Born to a 17 Year Old Call Girl, I Refused to See Myself as a Victim of Circumstances, by Dr. Ron Archer

I wish every Black American would have a chance to live overseas. I have lived in Africa, Germany, Dubai and in many Caribbean Countries. America with all its flaws is indeed the greatest country on Earth, because in the U.S. you can achieve anything if you are willing to educate yourself, work hard and have […]

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