The year 2020 in hindsight
will show us our blind side.
Something we couldn’t envision —
how a novel virus brought us division.
Told to remain 6 feet apart —
social distancing was to be the start
to keep others from going 6 feet under.
But now, we all have to wonder:
will all of the isolation,
the cities in desolation
with everyone locked inside,
be enough as the scourge has multiplied?
Many of us reach to the internet
in order to find a way to connect.
But on social media, so much of the feed
is covered in Covid-19.
Jobs gone, stocks down, so much desperation,
while some say it’s just a media sensation.
We don’t have every answer,
But we can’t take a chance here.
The best we can do is to be safe and wise,
till one day when we will realize
all that we did wrong or right,
so let’s hope all of our actions will be justified.
Rebecca Kiessling is an attorney and writer, and the President and founder of Save The 1, a global pro-life organization of over 1000 conceived in rape like Rebecca and mothers who became pregnant by rape, as well as hundreds who were told by doctors to abort.