
The Doctor Said There Was A Black Cloud Over My Child, by Brad Smith

“I was offered termination at 23 weeks. That was the 4th doctor to offer it and she said God wasn’t punishing me… And if I tried again there was only a 1% chance of it happening to me again.” Jennifer Giddens was told that she was pregnant with a child who had Trisomy 18 also […]

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New Negotiations on the 20 Abortion Ban Would be Comical if They Weren’t So Tragic by Jim Sable

As someone who is conceived in rape, who has dealt with the trauma and stigmatization that this conception story engenders, (I now see my story as a gift), it is very exciting to see an increase in awareness on this issue.  There is now much more public debate, a growing number of articles and stories […]

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Nigerian Mother From Rape: My Son is the Sweetest Gift That Life Has Given Me! by Betty Esene

I was raped on my way to a professional exam.  After the incident, I kept telling myself that it didn’t happen and I had to move on.  I almost believed myself — until I found out a month later that I was PREGNANT, then everything that happened came rushing back.  I hated myself, I hated […]

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Our Eliana is Compatible With Life and Especially Love by Naomi Coy

Confused.  Upset.  Scared.  Angry.   These were my feelings when the high risk doctor from Riverside Hospital’s Maternal Fetal Medicine told me that my baby was going to die.  He told me she had Trisomy 18 and bluntly stated that she was, “incompatible with life.”  He asked my husband and I if we wanted to […]

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My Father Was a Pretty Bad Man, But I Am a Blessing and Should Be Treated So! by Cindy Lambert

It’s hard to know where to start with my story — I guess from the beginning.  I was conceived when my mom was raped by an encyclopedia salesman who forced his way into my mom’s mobile home, while my 3 year old brother was asleep.  He raped her, and then left.  She was in shock […]

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10 Things I Need to Tell You Before You Choose by Elizabeth Reed

To my best friend, We’ve been friends for years — through breakups, through laughter, through tears, through margarita Tuesdays and hangover Wednesdays. We’ve laughed so hard at inside jokes that we’ve both been laying on the kitchen floor and getting weird looks from the rest of our friends. About a week ago, I took you […]

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God’s Plan Trumps Murphy’s Law – Our Journey for Justice! by Robyn McLean

It all started with a text:    “Can you drive five hours to Santa Fe to testify before the NM Judiciary Committee on Friday?” Rebecca Kiessling, a dear friend of mine and Founder and President of Save the 1 — for which I am a pro-life speaker and writer, wanted me to go to a hearing […]

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Will My Silence Save Babies? ~By Mary Rathke

With the recent debate in the New Mexico HB 390 Late-term Abortion Ban a fellow conceived in rape woman I know, was asked to be silent. She was told that her silence would save 95% of the babies that are killed in late term abortions. These politicians must assume that a woman who is desperate enough to receive […]

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Pain-Capable Abortion Bans with Exceptions are Not Pro-Life Bills by Sarah St. Onge

Last week the South Carolina House voted to prohibit abortion after 20 weeks post-conception based on the strong likelihood of pain on the part of the unborn child. The law was passed without rape, incest, or fetal anomaly restrictions- a monumental achievement given the status of our current “pro-life” belief system in this country. There is […]

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Conceived in Rape-Incest, I Was Bullied After Testifying Before the NM Legislature, by Rowena Slusser

On Friday, February 20, 2015, I went to the New Mexico Roundhouse to speak out in support of HB 390 Late-term Abortion Ban — without the rape exception.  My family and I got there early, and I was excited, but nervous! This was a big step for me on so many levels.  While I have […]

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