From the heart of a mother, who grieves every time she hears of another rape exception in a piece of legislation: I was extremely disappointed once again to hear that my son and others like him were targeted for termination in the newly-introduced Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Let me tell you why. We live […]
Our Grandson — the Light in the Darkness After Our 14 Year Old Daughter Was Raped by Angi Grogg
Four years ago, I was going through life like I had it all figured out — perfect family, perfect job, perfect home. Our proud military family was living the American dream — we had it all. On December 21, 2010 — the darkest day of the year, everything changed for us as a family. Little […]
How I Faked an Abortion and Escaped Sex Trafficking by Darlene Pawlik
I was trapped in the sex trafficking industry from age 14-17. Trafficking in persons is not like any regulated industry. It is unmitigated anarchy. There are no rules. I was conceived during a brutal rape and learned of it when I was very young. That knowledge and child sexual abuse by my own father […]
THE PEACE CORPSE: THE INNOCENT CHILD CONCEIVED IN RAPE — There’s Nothing Peace-ful About Abortion, by Rebecca Kiessling
The liberal press and abortion advocates are presently celebrating a victory – the $1.1 trillion spending bill passed by the Senate on Sat., December 13, 2014, which includes unprecedented abortion coverage for Peace Corps volunteers in cases of rape, incest and “life endangerment.” Think Progress reports: Government Spending Bill Quietly Resolves Peace Corps Abortion Coverage […]
Terminating Parental Rights of Rapists
My custody case in Florida against my rapist started in 2010 and went on for a little over two years. Though I had a restraining order and had pursued prosecution, he was not convicted of rape. At the time he sued for custody, I did not know how many states had no or limited legal […]
Roots and Your Family Tree
Ever think about your roots? As an adoptee, when I hear others talk about their genealogy or family reunions, it can cause mixed emotions. Many who are adopted eagerly desire to connect with their birth families and actively seek them out. In my case, though, my adoption was open. As I grew older, the more I […]
Threatened with a Plastic Coat Hanger by Rebecca Kiessling
I recently spoke at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario, Canada, for a Students for Life event. The leadership team explained to me that they’d arranged for a police officer and campus security to be present because at their last event, protesters disrupted their speaker. The disturbances included witches trying to cast spells on the […]
Finally Pregnant, Now Abort?!
My husband, Peter, and I had tried for almost 7 years to have a child. After a specialist found and removed my endometriosis, I was able to conceive. The elation we felt was indescribable. We began telling people immediately after I found out I was pregnant. The specialist released me into the care of a […]
“Death With Dignity” or “Cruel and Unusual Punishment?”
Over the past several weeks, many people have been discussing Brittany Maynard’s plan to kill herself on November 1st using a drug she obtained through Oregon’s so-called “Death with Dignity” Act. She was diagnosed at the beginning of this year with glioblastoma, the same malignant brain cancer which took the life of Sen. Ted Kennedy […]
Updated Response to RC Sproul’s Good Question
Recently my brother bought a book for me written by Dr. R.C. Sproul Sr. entitled “Now That’s a Good Question!” because I am a fan of Dr. Sproul’s normally well-crafted and thoughtful defense of the Christian faith. I started flipping through and read Sproul’s answer to the question, “Is a woman acting in sin when […]