Pro-Choice Student: Are you still pro-life in cases of rape? Nick: Yes, I don’t see the crimes of a father as justification for abortion. Pro-Choice Student: The kid is just going to be a painful reminder for the mother and detrimental to society. Nick: Well, I was conceived in date-rape. Pro-Choice Student: Oh….Well, I’m glad […]
Is There No Place for the Disabled in Church?
By Jesi Smith: Wife, Mother of 5, Chief of Household Operations, Superintendent, Personal Nurse, Defender of “the least of these” and speaker. I am new to this journey. My daughter is only 5 years old. She is mentally and physically disabled, still small enough to carry, quiet…mostly, and has not developed the larger, louder, and strange […]
My mother was raped; many would say I am the rapist’s baby. Those mothers who have been raped will quickly say their child is their baby, not the rapist’s. In my case, I was never the rapist’s baby, nor my mother’s. Mary Rathke, Savethe1 Speaker from Michigan Mothers whether you love them or hate them, they are […]
Inconvenient Truths
By Darlene Pawlik, Savethe1 speaker- practicing nurse, wife and mother of 5, conceived in rape, molested by her biological father, then became pregnant by rape after being trafficked from age 14-18, when she escaped to a maternity home to avoid a forced abortion. Norma McCorvey was approached, she agreed to the terms laid out by the lawyers; […]
Not Your Typical ProLife Epiphany
On June 19th 2011, my older brother, Lloyd, and my 22 year old nephew, Steven, were suddenly awoken, then brutally murdered in cold blood with a pickaxe to their heads. My sister-in-law, Dixie, was also murdered the same way as she lay sleeping soundly in her bed. This horrible crime happened in the middle of the night, in the […]
Father-less Day, by Nick D’Angelo
For me, and an unfortunately high and increasing number of others, Father’s Day is hard to celebrate. My story is fairly unique in that I was conceived through date-rape and was lovingly raised by my birthmother. My father does not know of my existence but I do know he was married at the time of […]
Beware of Slow Care, by Brad Smith
We thought they were helping. Every time we took our daughter Faith to the hospital for her illness, they would nurse her back to health. Faith has Trisomy 18 (Edwards Syndrome). Trisomy 21 is Downs Syndrome. Trisomy 18 is much harsher with 90% of these children not reaching their first birthday. At this time, Faith […]
Hard Cases Unite to Make a Difference! by Rebecca Kiessling
How would like to be labeled “a hard case?” What if your class of people were systematically targeted for extinction within legislation? What if political candidates felt quite comfortable with stating their position that you and your kind aren’t worth protecting and better off dead? What if your child was regularly stigmatized by our society? […]
Dear National Right to Life by Amber Masterson (conceived in rape) and Shawn Viland
Dear National Right to Life: A pastor once surmised that Jesus may have been attacked the most by Pharisees (the most conservative of sects) because Jesus would have been most closely associated with them. Jesus affirmed the authority of the existing religious system when He said, “The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat […]
National Right to Life Committee’s Compromise by Pam Stenzel, Conceived in Rape Pro-Life Speaker and Author
“The mission of National Right to Life is to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death.” This statement on National Right to Life Committee’s (NRLC) home page seems to articulate a very clear stand that life […]