
Our No Exceptions, No Compromise Heroes Were Attacked!

There are many ways to save some babies  — praying outside of abortion clinics, sidewalk counseling, volunteering at a pregnancy resource center, sharing your story and your faith, but there is only one path to protecting all preborn babies — by not endorsing candidates with exceptions. No other strategy will get you there. Some will […]

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ADVICE FOR CANDIDATES AND POLITICIANS: What about in cases of rape? They ask . . ., you say . . .

This advice is intended for candidates, politicians, and anyone else who may be asked questions about their position on abortion in cases of rape.  This advice comes directly from those who have been in the position of having to respond to these questions regularly because they were conceived in rape and they share their stories […]

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Rebecca Kiessling’s Reply to Ann Coulter

This article is written in response to Ann Coulter’s Column which can be read here. I knew this would happen! I predicted that Republican party apologists would blame Richard Mourdoch and Todd Akin’s losses on the fact that they are 100% pro-life, instead of acknowledging that the losses were due to how poorly they expressed their […]

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